Join the January Jumpstart: 31 Days to a Refreshed & Organized Home

Kickstart your new year with a home organization challenge. Declutter, clean, and reset your home, one small step at a time!

As we’re about to start a new chapter of a brand new year, I thought it might be fun to put together a home organization and reset challenge.

After all the holiday hooplah is over, I always find it’s important to have something fun to look forward to. So, if the thought of spending a bit of focused time each day on getting your home decluttered and organized is super exciting for you – this is for you!

Can you imagine how refreshing it will be to have homes that are organized and refreshed in just 4 weeks? Are you ready to make room for new possibilities? Let’s do this!

How to get started with the Home Organization Challenge

I don’t know about you, but I always love the fresh start feeling and motivation as January rolls around. Although I’m not a huge goal setter, I find starting a new year with a good house clean and purge is energizing, and we get to enjoy the benefits of a few weeks of focused work all year long!

Our living spaces have such a profound impact on our overall well-being, so I think it’s worth our effort to put some attention into a 31-day home reset/organization challenge together
this month!

Here’s the plan:

I’ve put together a printable calendar that will give one prompt a day to focus on. Click on the button below to get yours delivered to you right in your email inbox.

How to prepare for the upcoming home jumpstart challenge

Here are some ways you can prepare for the upcoming home organization challenge:

  • Print off the calendar of prompts (enter your email above to get it sent to you) and hang them somewhere where you can see them. Adjust the prompts to fit your specific spaces and needs.
  • Set aside dedicated time to plan and prepare for the challenge.
  • Break down each day’s task into manageable time blocks and create a schedule.
  • Start with the areas of your home that need the most attention or cause you stress.
  • Sort items into categories (keep, donate, discard) to declutter effectively.
  • Clean and organize one area at a time, focusing on functionality and aesthetics.

Other Home Organization Posts

Organizing my home every January is something I love to do, and have done it in the past. Here are some more home organization articles that may be of interest to you:

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