25 Things
1. I. miss. you.
2. Long, long ago (6 months ago), I set a goal for myself and this little blog.
3. I decided that no matter how busy I got in the camp kitchen, I’d still make time to blog.
4. After all, many working women do it.
5. I wish I could figure out how.
6. Truth is, I just had 1 1/2 days off.
7. I had visions of painting the deck rail and blogging up a storm.
8. Instead, I went to the chiropractor, took Advil, and plopped myself in a deck chair ~ strategically positioned to be half shade, half sun.
9. I devoured 2 books.
10. And slept.
11. If this blog were a “cooking for a camp” blog, I’d have lots to write about…
12. Posts could be titled something like this: “How to Clean a Pool of Pancake Syrup off the Floor.”
13. Or, “How not to Have a Nervous Breakdown while Cooking for a Celiac Who is Also Anaphylactic to Gluten while Simultaneously Cooking for 125 Others Who Want Gluten in High Measures”
14. But since this is a home decor blog and I’m hardly ever home, projects are a bit slim these days.
15. I have clean laundry and dishes thanks to my husband (bless his heart).
16. And I did finish one project a few weekends ago.
17. In fact, I gave you a teaser in the last post.
18. I’ve been hesitating to do the “big reveal” since it’s not totally finished yet.
19. But, who am I kidding?
20. It probably won’t really be finished until months from now!
21. So, tomorrow I’ll be back with my happy new front door.
22. I know this is supposed to be 25 things, but I’m just too tired for 3 more…
23. Except that picture at the top of the post?
24. That’s our blooming irises and peonies.
25. They were really happy this year.:)
You. are. amazing, Rita <3
I enjoy all your postings. I’ve visited Quadraandlive on VI so it’s nice to connect with youand
I love hearing about camp
Sorry your back was sore. Feel better soon.
Well, I’d love to hear, how that pancake syrup ended on the floor 😀
Bur really, if you want just write, you can write, what ever you want, this is your blog. I believe,that great deal of readers comes over just because of you – no matter there is decor or not!
Hope you enjoy your summer – in kitchen and out of it.
I enjoyed your post and completely understand unfinished projects and hight hopes of getting much blogging done along with awesome home makers done…..only to…NOT. Only I don’t have the camp kitchen as my reason….I have 6 children. (One of which eats GF. Yes, that would be stressful for the camp cook!)
Hi Rita. I miss your blog posts a lot! I am glad however that you got that day and a half to just relax and rest. Good luck with the next few busy months ahead at camp. We are going to the family camp beginning July and it would be wonderful to meet you! Your blooming irises and peonies looks great! Enjoy!
Love your voice in writing! Thanks for thinking of us on your precious time off!