Say Goodbye to Stains: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Get Stains Out of Clothes

Are you tired of that tiny stain ruining your favorite outfit? Fear not,friends! This practical guide for how to get stains out of clothes will tackle the age-old problem of removing stubborn stains from clothes and give your outfits a new lease on life. So, get ready to dazzle with spotless elegance as we share some ultimate tips and tricks for conquering the most challenging marks. Your clothes will thank you!

Let’s Approach Laundry Stain Removal with a Positive Outlook!

We’ve all been there – that dreaded moment when we accidentally spill something on our favorite shirt, dress, or the quilted table runner we spent 6 months sewing. It’s frustrating, disheartening, and sometimes, it feels downright impossible to salvage our beloved garments. But fear not! Today, we’re going to approach laundry stain removal with a big “can do” attitude – and with these tips and tricks you can watch the magic happen!

Basic Stain Removal Tips as you Begin

Here are few basic guidelines for stain removal that apply to all stains:

  • Identify the type of stain and gather the necessary supplies. Each type of stain requires a different type of treatment.
  • Test the chosen stain removal method on a hidden area of the garment.
  • Do not dry an item of clothes that still has a stain on it, as it will set the stain into the fabric.
  • Apply whatever you choose as stain remover directly to the affected area and let it sit.
  • Gently rub or blot the stain, working from the outside towards the center.
  • Rinse the fabric thoroughly with cold water or warm water (whichever is recommended for the specific stain).
  • Check the results and repeat the process if necessary. Stain removal often requires patience and persistance!

Grab Your Free Printable Stain Removal Guide

I’ve created for you a free printable stain removal guide that you might find helpful to print off and hang in your laundry room. (This frame is a nifty and quick one to use! – affiliate link) It summarizes the methods for stain removal below and will make lovely laundry room art, too!

Recommended Stain Removal Tips for Common Stains

  • Red Wine: If you find yourself facing a red wine stain, time is of the essence. Act quickly! Start by blotting the stain with a clean white cloth or paper towel to absorb as much of the excess wine as possible. Next, sprinkle some table salt or baking soda over the stain to absorb any remaining moisture. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing the area with cold (not warm) water. For an extra boost, consider using white vinegar, baking soda or club soda to neutralize the stain. Remember, the key is to act fast and blot, not rub! I recently had first hand experience with this while helping a friend try to get a red wine stain out of a beloved quilted table runner. I followed an article similar to this one on how to remove red wine from everything, and worked through every option until one of them magically worked. I tell you stain removal is like a real life science experiment!
  • Blood: Dealing with a bloodstain on your favorite garment? No worries! Just grab a clean cloth, dampen it with cold water, and gently blot the stain – the key is to cold water. If the stain persists, a mixture of salt and cold water works wonders; simply let it sit for a bit, rinse, and voilà, your clothes are back to looking as good as new!
  • Ink Stains: Accidentally left your pen in your jacket pocket or purse and it leaked all over? Fear not! Spray a little hairspray on it and dab with a paper towel. It will lift like a dream! Another recommendation I heard was to use rubbing alcohol on an ink stain, gently blotting it away with a clean cloth. Put your patience on and dab it off bit by bit.
  • Greasy Food Stains: For greasy food stains like oil or salad dressing, begin by pretreating the area with a bit of liquid dish soap. Gently rub the soap into the stain, then let it sit for about fifteen minutes. Afterward, rinse the garment with cold water and launder as usual. The dish soap will work its magic, breaking down the oil and lifting the stain from your clothes.
  • Grass Stains: Tackling grass stains on your kids’ jeans or football jersey can be a challenge. One of the recommendations is to mix a paste of baking soda and vinegar and rub over the stain. Rinse with cold water and then launder as usual. If that doesn’t work, check out Martha Stewart’s 4 ways to get grass stains out of clothes.

Common Household Ingredients Helpful for Laundry Stain Removal

Now that we’ve covered some effective stain-fighting techniques, let me introduce you to a few readily available household ingredients that can work wonders on stubborn stains. These magical helpers are readily available in most kitchens or pantries, and they won’t break the bank!

  • Baking Soda: Let’s start with baking soda, the superhero of stain removal. Baking soda is an excellent deodorizer and can also help lift tough stains. For sweat stains or discoloration around the collar, create a paste with baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the stained area, gently rub it in, and let it sit for a while. Then, launder the garment as usual. Voila! Say goodbye to those unsightly stains!
  • White Vinegar: Another household staple that packs a punch against stains is white vinegar. This versatile liquid can also be used to tackle tough stains like coffee or tea. Simply mix equal parts white vinegar and cold water, then soak the stained garment in the solution for about thirty minutes. Afterward, rinse the garment and wash it as you normally would. The acidic properties of white vinegar work wonders at breaking down the tannins responsible for those stubborn stains.
  • Lemon Juice: Lemon juice, with its natural bleaching properties, is another invaluable tool in your stain-fighting arsenal. For yellow underarm stains or ink smudges, apply lemon juice directly to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse with cold water and launder as usual. The citric acid in lemon juice works as a natural bleach, helping to lighten and remove the stain.

Most Popular Stain Removal Products

Disclosure: The following are Amazon affiliate links.

I recently asked my Facebook and Instagram communities to give me their biggest tips and recommended products for how to get stains out of clothes. I compiled all their answers into a post called the Real Homemaker’s Guide to Stain Removal.

Although I haven’t personally tried all these products, here are some things they highly recommended:

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