
How Spring Cleaning Can Freshen Up Your Home Decor!

Freshen up your home and give it a whole new feel and look with these simple steps for Spring cleaning and decorating with what you already have!

My house was totally quiet the other day and I was pondering options of what to do.

Maybe it was the lingering smell of burnt bacon from breakfast, or perhaps the fact that our 19 year old couch had finally left for a new home, but I desperately wanted to clean.

As I worked away, I realized that after all these years of writing a home decor blog, I don’t think I’ve ever shared the most economical decorating trick of all ~ cleaning!

How to Turn Spring Cleaning  into the Best Decorating Trick of All:

1. Make the most of the (rare) urge to clean

Lest you thing cleaning is a common occurrence around here, I assure you, it’s not.

So, when the urge strikes, I grab it quick!

This time, I didn’t have any motivation for this cleaning. No guests were arriving, no blog posts were due, and no tasks were written on a to do list. (But sometimes those things can be the motivation I need to get going!)

I wanted to do it for the pure joy of just having it done.

2. Turn on the kind of music that motivates you to move quickly.

I set the music to a happy jazz station and got to work.

3. Clear off the surfaces in your room

In this case, I was working in my open concept Living & Dining Room, so I started by clearing off the bookcases and shelves and placing the items on our dining room table. That allowed a “clean slate” to start cleaning.

4. Get out your cleaning supplies and work from top to bottom

I admit it. I’m a Norwex nut. They have my favorite cleaning supplies ever. In fact, I love them so much that I was once a Norwex consultant! (If you want to know more about Norwex, you can check out this video (on cleaning my tub) and this video (on mopping the floor) that I did with my Norwex friend.)

I grabbed the vacuum and dust cloth and started at one end of the room. Since it’s a good idea to clean from the top down, I first wiped down the walls around the room using the wet cloth pad on my mop. Then, I wiped down the shelves from top to bottom with a wet envirocloth microfiber cloth.

Once those things were wiped down, I moved onto the floors by vacuumming first and then using the Norwex mop system to get the laminate floor sparkly clean. I find it super easy and quick to use.

5. Rearrange furniture as you clean under it

If you’re furniture happens to be light enough to move by yourself to clean under it, you might want to consider rearranging the furniture for a new look.

6. Freshen up the accessories

Once the furniture is settled into its new home, then it’s time to fluff up the throw pillows, fold the blankets, and pile the magazines neatly. I also used this opportunity to water my plants and nestle them in a new bright corner of the room.

plants on a white stand in a corner of a room

 7. Add in fresh decor to fit the new season.

This is my favorite part of the whole cleaning scenario. Once everything is all sparkly clean, it’s time to add some pretty new touches.

They don’t have to be expensive or new. In fact, I love to use things I already have to decorate with in a new way.

Spring Decor Ideas using things you already have:

Here are some Spring decor ideas that repurpose things I already have to become fresh decor!

  1. Here, a fresh box of kleenex becomes a backdrop for an old vintage creamer pitcher with pens by the desk.
small china pitcher with pens in it, a box of kleenex with a tropical print

2. Cut flowers that are blooming in your backyard and place in a jar to make a pretty coffee table arrangement.

Bouquet of pink and white flowers in a white wooden tray with old books beside it

3. Hang a wreath in front of an old window frame for unique wall decor.

Antique Window Art with Boxwood Wreath

4. Arrange containers of faux greenery in a vintage drawer for a fresh Spring centerpiece.

Antique Buffet in Dining Room with Vintage Art print hung above it

When it was all said and done, I stood back and looked at the space.

Without much thought or spending a penny, it looked totally different.

Townhouse Living & Dining Room

Spring cleaning is my decorating trick that costs absolutely no money…and results in a completely fresh and new look!

Townhouse living and dining room

For more cleaning tips for your home:

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  1. Oh man Rita, it is a rare occasion that I feel like cleaning…husband asked me today if any cleaning was going to get done, hahaha! I said he is free to help more! You are right though, it gives a fresh feeling and makes one feel a lot lighter afterwards! The window you hung looks GREAT btw!

  2. Oh, this post is so uplifting and refreshing! Cleaning always makes me feel so much better. With blogging, I find that I often have props lying around, just waiting to be put away! LOL! This was very helpful and motivating, Rita!

    BTW… love your sideboard and those MCM chairs are amazing! My son and dil would LOVE to have those chairs! šŸ˜‰

  3. Cleaning does the mind and home so much good. I love your free vintage artwork.

    Everything looks fresh and inviting.


  4. Great reminder Rita that it is not always spending money on items to decorate your home. I love cleaning the house and moving stuff around and it always feels fresh and new.

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