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Simple & Sentimental Christmas Decor

Some years I like to fuss and fiddle with new Christmas decor.Ā  In the past, Iā€™ve twisted and glued coffee filters into a tree, folded paper into stars, and made a tree topper out of burlap.

I wasnā€™t up for fuss and fiddle this year.

Instead, traditional, sentimental, and simple seemed the route to go.Ā  The only DIY Iā€™ve done is aĀ  few quick paper bunting garlands out of an old paperback book. I hung them up in the office windows and continued on from there.

christmas in the office words

I discovered the juniper bush right out side my front door was the perfect full greenery to tuck into wooden bowls with pine cones ~ and BONUS! Iā€™m getting it pruned as I decorate, since I neglected to do it this summer!:)

fireplace in office


joy dresser

I had lots of fun tucking things into the decor mix that have lots of sentimental value to me ~ like old silver forks in a bucket, a precious teapot, and a row of handmade snowmen.

whole buffet

Our sister-in-law made them as place settings for each of us when we were together one Christmas long agoā€¦


The little angel figurine reminds me of my mom who used to decorate with it each Christmas.


Itā€™s just simple.

office desk ps

But for this year, it seems just right.

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  1. Rita, I like the way you tucked your green wreath into the
    wooden frame. We’re all looking for a simpler look this
    Christmas. Your room looks calm and inviting.

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