
Office Supplies Drawer Organization



I don’t know what your office situation is, but over the years, I’ve discovered it’s fun to think outside the box when it comes to the placement of the home office.

Once, I converted our previous Dining Room into an Office (details found here).

And earlier last year, IĀ borrowed my son’s bedroom as my craft room & office.

And currently, my officeĀ has ended up smack dab in the middle of our Living Room.

I work at a table-turned-desk that’s perched right in the windows at the front (beside the entryway).

Since it’s just a table with no drawers, I’ve had to get creative in hiding all the office supplies that I need on a regular basis. Drawers work best for small office supplies, so I borrowed some from the nearby buffet.

The top 2 drawers hold all our small office supplies. They had gotten a little unruly:

I started by using my favorite tool for any organization project ~ the timer. I set it for 30 minutes and got to work.

I first emptied out both drawers and sorted like things with like things.

Once everything was categorized, I tried out every pen and marker and put all that didn’t work in the garbage pile. Odds and ends of receipts and random papers ended up there, too.

Then, I put everything back using the boxes and dividers that were already in place previously.

These particular drawer dividers are a combination of actual drawer divider trays (from Ikea and Winners) as well as iPhone boxes, watch boxes, and specialty coffee boxes. It’s amazing whatĀ great organizationĀ boxes you discover around the house when you’re looking for them!

Ahh… so much better! (And I realized I don’t need to buy any more scotch tape!!:))

I had been dreading this project for weeks. When I was finished, I went to the timer to see how much time was left:

Seriously?? I dreaded it for so long…and it only took 20 minutes to finish!!:) (And, no, your eyes are fine. My picture is just blurry!)

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  1. Doesn’t that feel so good!
    Once my kitchen mug/glass cupboard was a mess and I set the timer and was surprised to see it only took 15 minutes! Why did I wait so long to do it?! I too recently cleaned my junk drawer and afterwards I was agast to see how much extra space I had left in the drawer! Why do we save all the little papers?! And about the tape….I too have that from a Costco deal.
    I’m loving your new series!

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