I Spy {Links I Love}
My husband and I just got home last night. For almost 2 weeks, we’ve been travelling in Alberta and Saskatchewan for our annual recruiting and alumni trip for the camp we work at. We had a delightful time visiting with so many people! But, after sleeping in so many different beds, I was sure glad to get back to my own…
After I threw my suitcase on the bed, I flopped into my favorite chair and found a few links I loved for this week. Here’s what I discovered:
This light, bright living room at the Craftberry Bush makes me smile. (Not sure how long I could keep that white furniture white, though!)
A few months ago I made a mini pom-pom garland, but I love this big chunky one done by love grows wild. (And I love that mint dresser underneath it. I didn’t think I was a “mint” fan, but it appears I’m changing my mind!;))
Perhaps it was my weary body and mind that made me buy impulsively, but I just purchased my first paid font from Creative Market while I sat in my comfy chair last night.
My son has requested a painted sign for an upcoming fundraiser he’s involved with, so I have some special plans for sweet “Isabella”…
And, now, I must carry on with some work here in my own home. I think I’ll start by emptying out my suitcase!:)
Happy Friday!
Rita Joy
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