Confessions of a “31 Dayer” ~ {Day 30}

This 31 Days Series is quickly coming to a close. I think it’s time for a few confessions. It is Sunday, after all, so somehow it seems timely…


1. I was scared to death to commit to blogging for 31 Days in a row. I’m not sure why, since I’m not aware that there are actually blog “police” out there! But, I didn’t want to commit to something and not be able to pull it off…

2. I actually committed to this blog challenge by “accident”!! I hit “publish” on my “I’m going to commit” post without meaning to. When I went to delete it, someone had already commented that they were looking forward to the series. I took that as a sign from God and decided to do it. {God works in mysterious ways!}


3. I almost quit during week 2. Yep. True story. I started down the dangerous road of comparing myself to “bigger and better” blogs and got all jealous and bitter. Oh, what a yucky place that is. But it also taught me an important lesson that I’ve been chewing on all month. It is this:

Comparison in itself is not a wrong thing. In fact, it can be a good thing. Comparison is often the way I’m inspired. It shows me areas in myself that I want to work on and strive to do better. It shows flaws and points out imperfections that, when received with the right attitude, can cause me to grow and improve.

However, comparison skewed becomes a place where jealousy and bitterness reside. And jealousy and bitterness are just plain sin. Simple as that.

Like so many things that God gives us as a beautiful things…when skewed…become sin. Simple as that.

4. Ironically…my most viewed post to date…was one I posted in week 2. In fact, it was the very post … on the very day … I almost quit. Yep. I guess God had a big lesson for me to learn..

5. Irony #2…It was the post on “Inspirational Art” with a verse about finding refuge in the shadow of God’s wings!

wings sign

6. When October 1st rolled around, I already had the first 15 posts written and scheduled to go out on the appropriate day. I got less and less organized as the month went by. In fact I’m barely ahead of the game at this point!:)

There! That’s the real “scoop” over here. My confessions are finished, but I do have one more thing…

A big Thank You to YOU! Thank you for joining me in this journey, reading my posts, and encouraging my heart with your comments. I’ve met some wonderful new blog friends this month. In fact, next month I’m going to introduce you to one of them who is going to guest post here!

31 days button

Linking to: Funky Junk

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  1. I enjoyed your 31 days as well! 😀 I do hope you'll post some pictures of your table at the craft fair. How well I remember it from my teens… 🙂

  2. I haven't posted all month, but I have been following. Thanks for all the great ideas – I hope to use some in the future. Your honesty about comparison is so true – I find myself in that trap sometimes and want to quit blogging also – but I keep plugging along. Thanks again for the 31 days and I'm glad you stayed with the challenge!
    Carol from

  3. Thank you so very much for participating during the 31 days… I have to admit I seriously contemplated it but knew at this point in time it would be more detrimental then beneficial (and am so thankful God made it more than apparent!)

    Once again thank you for plugging along and posting for the entire 31 days… you will never know how much it encouraged me and how the Lord has worked on me during the entire time!!! Thank you!

  4. Rita Joy,

    I have loved your "31 days" series! Your ideas, crafts, and transparency have made it a pleasure to read daily.

    I agree with Stephanie (above), please post some pictures of your craft fair table.

    I am one of your "new" followers and I found you through this series 🙂

    God is soooo good and faithful to us as He nudges us along.

    Heather B.

  5. It was hard for me to commit as well. I nearly quit the first week! LOL But once it became habit, I couldn't stop talking. I still find it hard to tell myself I don't have to post about my topic any longer. But I will be adding to it because I've left so much uncovered. What a great habit, huh? 🙂

    Congrats on doing it!


  6. Im so glad you didn't stop! I have looked forward to everyday a new post from you. You did awesome! Plus I found a new blog to follow and Im sure a lot more people have found you too!

    Remember Bigger isn't always Better!!!!!

  7. My first time here, I have been following Funky Junks 31 days, I'll have to back track and read thourgh yours. I think I would have enjoyed following along, I am now going to be following your blog. I am so new to all this…

  8. Hi, I'm stooping over from Funky Junk and I can relate to not knowing whether or not I could commit to 31 days of posting. And can I say… kudos to you for doing it! I on the other hand, not so much, I'm lucky to get in two posts a week, but sometimes like this week I guess I'm on a roll:) t. xoxoxoo

  9. Just after I found out you were doing this series my computer died, a friend lost her house and needed my help, and a few other things changed the course of my month.
    HOWever I did get to tell a few other people that you were doing this series and they reported back to me how useful your posts have been for them. I will have a new computer up and running in another week and am looking forward to reading every post for myself.
    I see by the count in your archives there are actually 32. Way to go, girl!
    I hope you enjoyed the journey.

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