
What’s for Dinner This Week?

Welcome to Week 2 of our 20 Days of Delicious meals series.

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I decided to do something different this week. Instead of giving you the grocery list and then making you wait day by day for a new recipe to show up, I’m going to give it all to you today! I figured it might be easier in the whole planning aspect for you…and, to be honest, I was ready to write about more than just food!;)

So for your convenience, here is week 2’s grocery shopping list:


And here are this week’s recipes (and an introduction to some more of my new blogger friends!)

Monday: Peach Crock-Pot Chicken


Kimberley from Sublime Relection has a delicious sounding crockpot recipe for Balsamic Peach Crockpot Chicken. It’s on my list of things to make this week, too. Kimberley also has a great series on bullet journalling, and has a helpful post on meal planning.

Tuesday: Double Bean Quinoa Salad


I’m relatively new to the world of quinoa, but I’m looking forward to trying Lisa’s Double Bean Quinoa Salad.


Wednesday: Garlic Chipolte Chicken Wraps



Thursday: Beef & Mushroom Sloppy Joes



Both Wednesday and Thursday’s meals are from my Cooking Light Cookbook. We’ve had the chicken wraps numerous times and just love them. (They’re spicey!) The sloppy joes are still on my “want to try” list, so I’ll be trying them out this week, too. I think I’ll serve them with baked sweet potatoes. (I cut them into long strips and call them “fries”, but really they’re just baked sweet potatoes.:))

Friday: Chipolte Pumpkin Soup

Friday’s  pumpkin soup is one of my husband’s favorites, from the Life in Grace Blog. Funny thing is, I’ve never made it for just my family, but made it in very large quantities for the camp. I’m looking forward to actually being able to follow a recipe this time!:)

So, there you have it! Weeknight meals for this week. Let me know if you try any of these and which ones are your favorites.

Happy Cooking!

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And if you’d like the list of last week’s meals, too, you can find them on the master list HERE.

PS. I just discovered that my scheduled post for last Friday’s meal didn’t go live when I meant it to, so if you missed the Chicken Paprika Stew with Perogies, you might want to check it out!

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