The {Boring yet Necessary} Weekend Projects
Sometimes weekend home projects involve pretty paint and stunning before and after pictures.
Sometimes they’re just not pretty at all… but the end result feels oh, so, good.
This was my weekend project:
I needed a good dose of organization…
Somehow my yearly “rearrange the house” escapades usually happen in January. I think that Christmas and all the accompanying hoop-la and extra presents suddenly become The Tipping Point:
TOO MUCH STUFF suddenly overshadows the necessary and comfortable. Claustrophobia starts to set in.
I’ve contemplated long and hard over how to make our home function better for us. Goal #1 was to make this closet work better.
I got slightly distracted with a fleeting, “Wouldn’t this be pretty painted a fun, happy color?” thought.
But, I forced it aside. When I get organization on my mind, I must press on!
I’m absolutely giddy with the thought that ALL of our books can now be in one place (The Attic Music Room Library). That freed up the bookcase to be moved into the closet to provide much needed shelving.
After all was said and done, is it drop dead gorgeous?
But, it sure is nice to finally know where all the hand towels were hiding…
And, hallelujah, the table is still there, too!
Actually, I think it IS absolutely gorgeous!! NOTHING does my heart good like looking at a well organized closet/dresser/drawer/cabinet… 🙂 ANd being able to walk to a closet and immediately find what you’re looking for is a HUGE bonus! I love your room makeovers, but I love this just as much!
OH how very lovely! I personally think a well organized closet is truly a lovely sight… which is why there will currently be no pictures of our hall closet or the walk-in/storage closet in our room. hee hee!
How are you? How was your trip? Well I just wanted to stop by and say hello while taking a short break from my cleaning. Yep we are in the thick of it… again! Or maybe I should say still! 🙂 But that is okay because each time I see even more progress and I am really starting to love how things are taking shape plus I am learning so much about myself… i.e. I don’t like to craft off all by myself (love being around my family and folks!)
Have a wonderful week! Stay warm!!
While it might be a wonderful before and after reveal I so understand the need to have an organized space (if you don’t believe me, check out my post on the garage at our “old” house
This post just makes my heart sing (insert music in the background) LOL! Have a wonderful week!
Dear Rita, congratulations!!!
Even TODAY I was cleaning up a metal basket I have on my kitchen counter… I took TWO grocery bags FULL of paper from the tiny basket!!!! How is that even possible?? You know!
The other day I also emptied a dresser and re-arranged tea towels and tablecloths…
Those things are not pretty, but necessary!
Now we have peace of mind to move on to pretty projects, LOL!