“Why BLOG anyway?” I’ve been asking myself that question lately. I started this blog adventure on sort of a whim. But I had done some research beforehand. Some people recommend that you should have one theme (i.e. home decor) and stick to only that. Others say, “just write whatever you want – just make sure you write something every day”. Hmmm…I’m still not sure where I fit in in either one of those “camps”…
I’ve been reading my Grandma’s diaries lately. During my 4 years of Bible college in Alberta, I lived on the same campus as Grandma (she was retired staff). I really didn’t know her well as I was growing up. Her 2-week trip to Montana during summer was too brief for that to happen.
That all changed, however, during my college days. Every Sunday Grandma had me and a friend over for lunch. And I tried to stop in most days for even a short visit.
A few years ago, my Uncle graciously handed me Grandma’s diaries from those years. “I think you should have these” he said. “You’re mentioned more than anyone else!”
I was honored and glanced through them a few times, but never really read them til now.
Grandma didn’t write much each day – usually just about 5 sentences. But she never missed a day! It was always facts, too…never her feelings about anything. She kept better track of me than I did:
Dec. 11, 1987 “…Rita to have her first date tomorrow at Country Cousins…” [ha ha ha…I’d totally forgotten that was the name of the restaurant!]
Feb. 24, 1990 “…Rita and Irwin came about 4:30 – they got engaged last Thurs.”
But, I’ve also read things I never knew, too. Like:
Grandma was at the bedside of her dear friend Merle as she breathed her last breath.
She made alot of jello salad…and lemon sauce for angel food cake.
As my sister and I were discussing this over the phone, she said, “Well, Rita, Grandma was a blogger!”
YES!!! That’s it! That’s why I want to blog. Grandma’s diaries have blessed my heart. I feel like I know her better. She’s teaching me things through her words. And her legacy lives on.
Now I’m not claiming that this blog is any of the above…but I do hope that someday my Grandkids will stumble upon these writings (Where will computers be, anyway???) and learn something new about “Grandma Rita” (Oh, that sounds wierd right now!:)).
And…if it blesses someone’s heart, or gives them a laugh, or inspires them to start a new project in the meantime – that’s icing on the angel food cake!:)
That's a great reason to blog! I love reading your posts and viewing your pictures!