
WinShape Retreat Center

After spending a few days in delightful Decatur, Georgia, it was time to pack up my things and head to Rome.

Rome, Georgia, that is.

The WinShape Retreat CenterĀ is there, and it was time to meet up with my husband.

TheĀ bus left the busy Atlanta airport and was soon travelling down the less busy roads. About 2 hours later, we turned into the driveway.

With a rich history over many years, the huge property holds not just a retreat center, but a college campus as well.

The driveway went on and on ~ going through a tunnel of trees and rolling fields with herds of deer.

The retreat center itself was nothing like Ā I’d ever seen before. Ā Turns out, it used to be a fully functioning dairy farm for Berry College.

Large white brick buildings satĀ around a central courtyard.

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

The buildings, designed by an architect, were built brick by brick by college students many years ago. Ā Each one has at least one spire on the top.

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

{I loved how little birds would perch up there and sing happy tunes…}

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

Eventually, the dairy wasĀ no longer used by the college. Ā Thankfully, the owner of the Chick-Filet chain discovered this amazingĀ gem.

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

I’m so glad for theirĀ vision and resources, and for the hard work it took to turn this place into what it is today.

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

There’s just something about being somewhere beautifulĀ that has been lovingly and thoughtfully put together.

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

From the tiny accent details and decor,

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

to the thoughtfully planned buildings

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

and dining spaces (Hello, amazing chandeliers!), it is an atmosphere that makes you want to sit in a chair by the pond and just take a deep breath.

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia

A place of refreshment and renewal.

That’s what it was for us. Ā The setting was perfect, and the people we were with made it extra special.

WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia


As we drove out the windingĀ driveway, we did so with hearts filledĀ to overflowing ~

and grateful that our time in Georgia wasn’t quite over.

Next stop?


{PS As I looked up Ā information on the history of WinShape, I got caught up in a vortex of fascinating sites. You can read about the history of the retreat center hereĀ and the WinShape organization here.)


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