Doin’ a Little Preachin’?
Happy Tuesday! If you’re on the lookout for some motivating inspiration, I recommend this. It’s a design contest that East Coast Creative is running, and this week’s projects are all in the “Knock Off” category. Here’s one of them:
I actually entered their contest in hopes that I could somehow, someway be one of the contestants. But, now I’m glad it didn’t work out that way…
In a sequence of many little decisions, I decided to suddenly become Superwoman and try to accomplish exactly one hundred million projects before we leave for our trip to Maui.
My body isn’t cooperating.
Instead of super power projects, I’ve cleared my calendar for the week and I’m spending some quality time on the couch with a pile of books. I’m sure this is just another one of my strange health issues, so I’m choosing to rest. And go to the doctor. I think both are wise at this point…
Having a bit of a “forced relaxation time” is always a good excuse for lots of reflection.
So, today, I want to share something that I’ve been pondering for quite some time now. Here’s a warning for you. If you really don’t like reading anything remotely “religious”, you might want to stop reading now. Yep. I’m going there…
Since the time I was a wee tiny baby swaddled in my Momma’s arms until this very day, almost every Sunday has seen me in church. {Give or take a few exceptions.}
I was pondering this fact a few weeks ago as I sat in my favorite pew listening to the preacher’s sermon.
In these past 45 years of Sunday church goin’ (and 4 years of Bible college), I’ve had the privilege of listening to many preachers. Some were simple country preachers. Some were world-renowned. Some told hilarious stories and riveting illustrations. Some were so boring that I learned to sleep with my eyes open. Some were used by God to teach me how to find true peace, joy, and forgiveness.
My favorite preachers to listen to incorporate a lot of stories. That’s how I learn. In fact, while I was thinking all these thoughts, the preacher started telling the definition of “parables” and how Jesus taught through telling stories.
My mind wandered a bit… {It does that sometimes.}
Into my head popped the old Fanny Crosby hymn,
“This is my story, this is my song: Praising my Saviour all the day long…”
“Hmm”, I wondered, “is that my story?”
Oh, how I would love it to be.
I want my life to be one of thankfulness. of joy. of shining Jesus’ light.
Because, many people I meet have never set foot into a church.
I, in fact, might be the only “preacher” they ever meet.
What story is my life telling?
Way back in the 80s (before some of you were even born!), the Imperials sang a song with words that went like this:
“You’re the only Jesus some will ever see
You’re the only words of life some will ever hear
So let them see in you the One in who is all they’ll ever need
Cause you’re the only Jesus some will ever see.”
I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately.
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes put altogether too many expectations on those with the title “Pastor”. There’s just something in me that longs to watch someone with skin on model the way we should live.
But, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that we’re not going to be witnessing true perfection this side of Heaven…
And, I’m sure all the preachers in the world would love it if more of us who sit in the pews every week~
did a little {good} “preachin’” of our own…
Source: via Rita on Pinterest
Loved this. Yes. Let my light shine. Be a little light of Christ to the world.
Thank you for sharing,Rita. Even though I don’t have a lot of contact with non believers, I do hope and pray that my light does shine to those I do come in contact with. And as I work with new believers that they will constantly see Christ at work in me and in them. Hope you will feel better soon!
That blessed my heart. We are his light in a dark world.Satan wants to put our light out. He is trying to control mine, i still have a flicker, please pray for me and my family.
This is my deepest and most sincere prayer….
..thank you for the kind reminder…and I hope & pray you feel better soon!