Happy Summer!

The sun is shining out my office window and a soft breeze is blowing through…

Ahh… Summer, how lovely you are!


It’s been ages since I’ve written on this little blog of mine, and I’m wondering if people are still out there. (Yoo Hoo! Are you there?;))

I was finished with duties up at the camp kitchen a few weeks ago (yippee skippee!), so I’m going to have time to blog again! I’m so excited about that.

My husband and I also just arrived back from a delightfully relaxing holiday in Washington. For 7 glorious days we rested, read, lounged by the pool, and went on day trips in the area.


It was our first summer holiday since our honeymoon 25 years ago, so we called it our 2nd honeymoon…perhaps even better than the first.;)

I’m now getting settled back into the routine of home. The groceries are tucked away, the dishes are washed, and the first (of many!) load of laundry is in the washing machine.

I’m looking forward to spending some more time with you on a regular basis again…

What are you up to this Summer?

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  1. Welcome back!! This summer I’m finishing off a few house projects and as a teacher I’m glad that I have time off to get them done! Also, we have our son and his family from Victoria visiting us in Ontario.

  2. Welcome Back! I love your writing, it’s so optimistic it cheers me on in all my “little projects” too because they have the potential to bless others. Worth every effort to bring a smile to someone’s day. Keep up the great work! To answer your question, our family is busy organizing and purging belongings to get ready to relocate to Holland for a short term work posting. Nothing like a super motivator as getting to live in Europe to make us take inventory of what matters most here in Canada. What to keep, toss, donate? And travelling light – only one checked bag each that *must* come in under-weight. A challenge I humbly accept! 🙂 Plus taking time to savour each lakeside day and our Canadianisms before we trade it for the Dutch port city life. Happy Summer!

  3. Yes, I’m still here and it’s nice to have you ‘back’ from the kitchen. I love your blog. We are in the US for the summer, back to England in Sept. Had a great vacation w/ our 3 adult ‘kids’ who all live in the US.

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