How to Make a Custom Bulletin Board {Take 2}

I’m on my way today to help a friend organize and spiff up her basement.  I’m so excited I can’t hardly stand it…(and I mean that in all seriousness!).

{Spending the day with a friend + doing something I love = Does it get any better than this??:)}

I’m reposting a tutorial I posted last week.  Somehow it was one of three posts that didn’t survive the switch to WordPress.  I didn’t want to lose it completely, so thought I would just repost it while it was still copy-able.  So, I apologize if it is a “repeat” for you.  But, if you’re discovering it just today, it is the way I made a quick custom bulletin board for my new craft room:

1.  Cut a piece of fabric cut to fit a plain ol’ bulletin board.

staple on fabric

2.  Staple it around the edges. (A regular paper stapler flattened out will even work.)


3.Nail a small nail directly in the top, middle of the front of the bulletin board frame.


4.  Take the glass and matting out of a picture frame that is the same size as the bulletin board.  If it doesn’t already have a hanger on the back, place  a sawtooth hanger in the middle of the top of the frame.
finished bulletin board
Hang the sawtooth hanger on the bulletin board nail (that’s on the front of it) and voila! a custom bulletin board.

outlet hidden

Whenever you get tired of the fabric pattern, you can easily change it out for a completely new look.

Linking to:  Thrifty Decorating

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