Indoor Photography – Lighting
(Ewww!! It’s peach!!!)
So, my son helped me with an experiment. We took various lamps and flashlights and “flooded” the room with light. I thought we were on to something. But…the pictures were all sort of orange!
What did I then do? Oh, I’m so glad you asked…:) I set up the camera on the tripod, attached a coffee filter with a rubber band over my pop-up flash (it’s supposed to “diffuse” the light), and set the camera on self-timer with a 2 second time (to eliminate the movement of me physically pushing the shutter button). I focused on the subject while the light was on. Then I turned the lights off! (They have a sort of a yellowy glass over them) I set the camera to “shutter priority” and 4 seconds. The flash flooded the room with light for just a short time, but the slow shutter speed soaked it all it.
4 sec., f/8.0, ISO:200
Hallelujah! It’s finally the right color! I still had to add some fill light in *Picasa, but at least the room doesn’t look fruit-colored!:)
*Picasa is my current “go to” photo editing program. You can download it free from the internet. It is a simple and quick program that comes in handy as I go through the agony of learning Photoshop!
Oh Rita, you are getting way to technical for me! :))
Even so, I still enjoy your posts.
Hi Rita-
This is the best tip – with the coffee filter and turning out the lights. I can't wait to try it as I seem to always get that yellow look in nighttime shots.
Thanks so much for posting it.
My best- Diane