I’m Still Here!!
I just turned the page in my blog post calendar. Hello, March! Its page is full of white space and empty boxes. Oh, the possibilities!:)
I really don’t know where February went. I had a whole slew of ideas rolling around in my head, but got completely off-track trying to learn some new technical blog stuff. I won’t bore you with the details…but in a nutshell, I didn’t get much actual blogging done, and my computer is now in at the repair shop. (uggh…)
So, here I am typing away at our old dinosaur computer. Apparently, it seems to have enough life in it to churn out a few more words. Pictures, however, are out of the question. It seems to have completely died in that department. So, you’ll just have to imagine the pictures I intended to go into this post…
I’ve decided not to choose a theme for my blog posts this month. Maybe I’ll write the ones about paint that I wanted to last month… And the sun is shining now! Although we’re still loading our wood stove on a very regular basis, looking out the window tricks us into thinking Spring has arrived! We’ve done a little yard work and I’m itching to put up some happy Spring decor.
I’ve also booked some tickets. At the end of this month, I’m going to visit my family in Montana. I just can’t wait to kiss my mom’s sweet cheek and be surrounded by sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews and their sweet little babies!!
What about you? Do you have any exciting plans for this month?
Your trip “home” sounds wonderful! Time spent with family is precious!
Yes, we too are traveling to see family in March (my March break holiday from teaching). We fly from Ottawa to Abbotsford to visit our son and his family. They will be moving at the end of the month to Victoria and we’re helping them pack up. I can’t wait to snuggle with my two grandsons and look at life through their young eyes.
Hugs from cold, snowy Ontario.