Finding My Way Back Home Again
This cooking job has been, well… all consuming for me. To say it’s been a learning curve is an understatement indeed. It has required every bit of brain and physical power I have in me. I’ve found myself dreaming about cooking, and every waking moment seems to be filled with either working in the kitchen, or thinking about it.
Meanwhile, my poor house has been neglected…and honestly, I know my body just can’t keep up this crazy pace!!
So, I made some big decisions in the past few days.
With some careful planning and scheming, I’m going to try to take some consistent days off each week.
I’m looking forward to setting my mind on anything non-cooking related for a bit.
finally dusting off some furniture and pulling out some seasonally appropriate decor.
I started by spiffing up our entryway while cradling the phone under my chin during a nice, long phone chat with my sister.
Ahh…It’s good to be home.
**PS ~ That “I Will Be Grateful” sign was made for me by my sister, Susan. Isn’t it pretty??
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