Finding Inspiration

{This post is Day 3 of a 31 Days series called “31 Ways to Make Home Uniquely You”.  If you’d like to read the whole series, a list of topics can be found here.}

Yesterday I mentioned that I went through a stage in my home-making journey where I swung wildly on the pendulum between indecision and impulsiveness.

It was a crazy stage of life, I tell you what!!

I floundered around for a while working bit by bit on things with mixed results.  I painted our Living Room beige because it seemed that’s what “everyone else” was doing.

winter lv best

I did, after all, want to make a space that people were comfortable in. However, I hated the color from day one.  And, two years later, discovered my husband did too!

The turning point for me was an ordinary day when one little click of my computer mouse took me over to The Lettered Cottage.  It was right around the time sweet Layla and her husband Kevin were remodelling their kitchen.

I was hooked.

Through Layla and Kevin’s blog, I discovered other blogs and a whole new world of ideas, inspiration, and excitement for the process of turning a house into a home.  I realized it was ok to do something a little different from what “everyone else” was doing.

whole room keeper

In fact, it’s a good thing!  What you do with your home decor doesn’t need to be dictated by anyone else.  You may love the process of learning trends and seeing what’s “in” for the year (like I do!).  But, ultimately, the choices should be determined by what you love.

That’s when your house starts to become unique

and then it starts to feel like home.

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  1. Thank you for sharing that! I live in a craftsman style house with all the natural wood trim work and wood floors. I painted all the rooms in traditional arts and crafts earth tones. So on a gloomy day the house can be kind of dark. Perusing decorating blogs where everything was ” light and white washed” was very frustrating for me. But then I got into perusing craftsman reno and decorating blogs and it helped me to accept and love my home more. I love your ideas on a budget! You’re truly inspiring to me even if we decorate with totally different styles!

  2. Oh, the pendulum!! We recently moved to a condo and we’ll be making lots of changes and I’m hoping to figure out my own style. I get so swayed by reading all the blogs and my head spins and I can’t decide what I like! I’m looking forward to experimenting with some new decorating ideas….once I get all the (super-glued!) wallpaper removed!!

  3. P.S. I love Layla’s style, too! In fact, the pic of the bedroom in your header made me think of her (before I even saw that you read her blog)!

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