
6 Questions to Help Discover Your Decor Style

In this article: Are you confused trying to figure out how to decorate your home? These 6 questions will help discover your decor style.

I’ve always been a bit flummoxed when trying to define my own decor style. Since I write a home decor blog, I thought it was important that I figure it out…

I started to research “decor styles” and got overwhelmed with the first article. It had over 24 styles! As I perused through the gallery of pictures, I found I liked elements of more than one official “style”.

As the years have gone by, I’ve become more confident in my own skin (one of the blessings of aging!) and thus, more confident in my decor style as well.

This confidence came as I started to become more aware the things that make my heart sing. I started to observe what made me sigh and say, “Oh, I love that!”

The truth is, each of our styles is as unique as we are. In my opinion, there are no WRONG answers in putting together a room ~ as long as it feels complete and comfortable to us. That might mean we technically mix a boho style macrame plant hanger above a farmhouse style sink. It still can look amazing in the end!

So, here are 6 questions you can ask yourself to help discover what decor style is right for you.

(And remember, you can mix and match to your heart’s content!)

1.What kind of clothes do you like to wear?Ā 

Sources: Kristy Wicks | My Vintage Porch

Are you a jeans and comfy shirt kind of girl (like me)? Then perhaps your decor style is more laid back, relaxing, and comfortable.

Or are you someone who loves classy dresses with sequins and stilleto pumps? If so, then perhaps your style is more glamorous and glittery.

2. If money weren’t an issue, what stores do you wish you could go in and buy anything your heart desires?

Sources: Pottery Barn | Anthropologie

This is a huge clue as to your decor style. If you walk into a home decor or furniture store and love EVERYTHING in it, then that style is probably what is yours!

For example, if Pottery Barn were in my price range, my home would be completely outfitted in it!;) That tells me that traditional and farmhouse style is probably my thing.

However, if Anthropoligie is where you’d like to put down all your cash, then a more eclectic, Bohemian style is probably up your ally.

Ikea lovers may lean toward a more modern, streamlined style. (Although I have plenty of Ikea products in my farmhouse/ traditional home! My favorite being my Billy Bookcase Built-in.)

3. When you are shopping in a store with multiple types of home decor, which aisle makes your heart flutter with excitement?Ā 

I’m thinking specifically of Hobby Lobby here. I am a passionate Hobby Lobby lover, and am so sad it’s not up here in Canada. But, when I get a chance to shop there, I like to take note of the displays and aisles that I REALLY, REALLY love. It has helped me solidify my own style more.

4. What HGTV shows do you like to watch?


Obviously, part of the reason that we love certain shows are the personalities in them. But, think about the shows whose room reveals are your favorites.

Which ones make you think, “Oh, I’d love to live in that space!”

Is it the modern farmhouse style of Joanna Gaines’ Fixer Upper or the more modern and colorful style of Masters of Flip?

5. What home decor blogs and Instagram channels are you most drawn to?

Since farmhouse style is my thing, I have a huge list of farmhouse and traditional style home decor bloggers that I follow. You can find them listed here.

6. Where do you like to vacation?

The beach or a big city with lots of entertainment? Do you prefer relaxing beach toned colors or glitzy sparkle like the lights of a city? Years ago, Canadian designer Jane Lockhart had a tv show called Color Confidential. The way she helped clients pick out colors for their homes was from their descriptions of places they felt at home in. It was genius!

Boldly be YOU!

As you observe your own style and things you love, don’t be afraid to try them out. As you gather up things that make your heart sing, your house will become a place that feels like home to you.

Want some help getting a Room Makeover Started?

Are you overwhelmed with all the decisions that go into making over a room in your house? Or does your small budget hold you back from trying anything new? If so, you may want to take my FREE Recipe for a Room Makeover video course.

Click on the button below and get started today!

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One Comment

  1. My decorating style has always been a struggle too, because I like it all except for modern style. My living room leans towards bohemian, my kitchen is country, my family room is traditional, and the bedrooms are a mix . Sounds awful, I know, it is not a cohesive look and will never grace the pages of a magazine, but each room makes me happy for what it is. I suppose that’s all that really matters.

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