When it’s Time to Let it Go…

For the past 9 months, I’ve been working at a job I never dreamed I’d do. God gently prompted and moved in my heart to fill the role as our camp cook, since there was no one else to do the job.

It’s been quite the journey.

I’ve discovered lots of things along the way, and found out first hand the faithfulness of God.  He gave me health and strength and genuine joy as I learned to cook for crowds of campers.  He also gave me a very special group of amazing people who lent their muscles and put in time and energy when I desperately needed help.  They’ve become some of my precious friends.

But, I’m not gonna lie. It was hard.  Really, really hard.

The days were long and the nights short.

It felt like a marathon with hardly time for water breaks (let alone bathroom breaks!).

But, I wanted to be faithful to do what God had asked me to do…

And the other day, I heard His still small voice speaking to me again.

You know what He said?

“You can let it go now.”

patio in the sun

You know, it was one of the strangest experiences of my life to sit down with my “boss” ~ who is also my husband! ~ and tell him that it was time for me to quit, knowing that by doing so, the burden would become his to bear…

But, you know what?

He agreed that it was the right decision.

My mind and body just has nothing left to give.

So…now I’m switching gears again.  I’m settling into HOME.

flowers in the evening sun

I’m appreciating it like never before.   I find myself giddy with excitement over the fact that I can now do my own laundry and clean my own bathrooms!  (Am I crazy?)

I’m treasuring these moments of refreshment and realize how precious it is to actually have time to stop and smell the roses ~

roses in the sun

And am grateful beyond words for my hard working husband whose been faithfully watering them for me…

I’ve picked up the paintbrush (between long nap times!), and am looking forward to getting some signs back up in my Etsy shop and finishing some projects in the house.

painting sign

{I can’t wait to blog again!!}

Yippee Skippee Doo!:)

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