Monday’s Musings
A wonderful weekend has just ended. It was the perfect mix of busy and relaxing. Friday night and Saturday were spent at a local craft fair. {Thanks for all your encouraging comments.} I had a hoot being a part of it again. Sales weren’t absolutely spectacular, but it was worth my while. It also leaves me with enough stock for the fair coming up this coming Saturday. Now I don’t have to craft like a mad dog this week.
Yesterday I spent the afternoon reading by the fire. Some winters we don’t have any snow in this neck of the woods, but this winter we do. There is a nasty, cold breeze accompanying the icy ground outside…perfect for a cozy fire and coffee.
The snowfall here arrived on Thursday night. It wasn’t a fluffy, light “sparkle in the light” snow. Rather, it was heaaavvvvy and solid. Many tree branches broke with the weight of it, and power was out for many people for about 24 hours (we were lucky this time).
My oldest son was coming home from sledding down the big hill when he heard a big “crack” beside him. He ran in time to escape being under this…
(We forgot to take a picture before my husband started cleaning it up…And a lot of the snow had already melted.)
Our (over 100 year old) Hawthorne tree. It couldn’t take the weight of the snow.
I loved that tree. It has the most beautiful red berries on it…
Hmm…Maybe I could make some crafts out of it!
sooo pretty 🙂 we are anticipating our first snow here any day now! beautiful
I heard that you guys got snow, a nice wet snow! The west coast is famous for those. I love our dry snow falls here in Manitoba, they don't make great snowmen, but it's a pretty safe snow, it's not usually a problem to drive in it.
Glad to hear that your craft fair went well.
Have a great evening.
Hugs, Cindy
Oh and I'm so glad your son was quick on his feet and got away from the Hawthorne tree before it fell on him.
God is good!