
Discovering Decatur, Georgia

I mentioned a few days agoĀ that we recentlyĀ arrived home from a trip to Georgia. Like the time I wrote about our dream trip to Hawaii, I’m going to divert from home decor topics for a few days as I do someĀ travel posts of our time away. I find it’s always fun to go back and read about the details ~ many of which I’d forget if I don’t write them down right away.

So, fasten your seat belts. We’re heading to Georgia!:)


Some holidays are well planned months in advance. Research is done, activities are scheduled, and routes are mapped out.

This holiday wasn’t that way for us. Although we had looked forward to this time away for many months, we really didn’t have anything set in stoneĀ but the basics.

We knew we would arrive into Atlanta (the busiest airport in the world, we’re told) and my husband would travel on to his leadership course (a 2 hour drive away). I envisioned cozy-ing up in my nice hotel room ~ reading, blogging, watching tv, and possibly do a little shopping and coffee shop visiting. I’ve never vacationed alone in a big city, but having battled bouts of fear in the past year, I purposedĀ not to sweat it and just be brave…

{Oh, boy…}

As soon as we arrived at the hotel (near the airport) we’d book over the internet, I realized the plan needed to be altered. Ā Let’s just say it looked much better in picturesĀ than in real life… The blaring rap music and screaming neighbors through the paper thin walls didn’t make me feel inspired to “cozy up” ~ let alone even consider blogging. I couldn’t even hear myself think!! Ā Also added to the dilemma was the fact there was absolutely nothing near my hotel as far as restaurants or shopping.

It was time to find Plan B.

I took the free airport shuttle back to the airport and sat in the beautiful airport lounge with my laptop humming on my lap. As I enjoyed the beautiful music from the pianist in the corner, I researched Atlanta and transportation with a vengeance. I eventually came upon a super helpful travel bulletin board. A single lady had questioned where would be a “safe place to stay near public transportation in Atlanta”.

Her answer became mine.

After a few phone calls and a visit to the super helpful travel info center at the airport, the new plan was ready to execute. For this small town country girl, travelling alone through an unknown city wasĀ quite a step. I took a big, big breath and told myself to be brave. Ā It was time to meet Ā Marta.

“Marta” is Atlanta’s city train. We became friends.

I only had to make one train transfer, and in 30 minutes, I walked out of the station into the delightful town of Decatur, Georgia.

travelling to Decatur, Georgia with harbourbreezehome.com

The hotel gave wonderful directions on how to walk from the station, and in just 2Ā blocks, I arrived to my new home away from homeĀ (Courtyard Marriot).

It was absolutely beautiful.

My room was on the 4th floor with a window that looked into the courtyard below.

travelling to Decatur, Georgia with harbourbreezehome.com

The room was cozy and quiet with fun furniture and classy touches.

travelling to Decatur, Georgia with harbourbreezehome.com

travelling to Decatur, Georgia with harbourbreezehome.com

Most importantly, though, it felt very safe. The staff were kind and helpful.

It was exactly the experience I dreamed of (well…the hotel was even nicer than I dreamed!) when we were initially planning this time away.

I relaxed and blogged and facetimed with my sister.Ā I read and watched funny tv shows. And when I felt a little stir crazy, I sauntered around the town square of Decatur, sipped Starbucks, and discovered some of the cutest little shops I’ve ever seen.

As I walked through the doors of those delightful stores, I thought of all of you and wished I could have you with me to enjoy them, too! They were full of beautiful things and very creative decorating ideas.

travelling to Decatur, Georgia with harbourbreezehome.com

So, I asked the shop owners if I could take pictures to show you what I was talking about.

They were all so friendly and inviting…and said, yes!

So, come on back tomorrow.

It’s Shopping in Decatur day!:)








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