
Daily Cleaning Checklist

I don’t know about you, but I just can’t cook if my kitchen isn’t clean first.  (Are you like that, too?)

It’s no different up at the camp kitchen.


There is a BIG difference, however, in the sheer volume of activity in a working commercial kitchen.  Many hours are spent producing many different dishes and baked goods throughout each day.

As much as I love tidying up and cleaning things, I realized really quickly that I personally don’t have enough physical energy and strength to do it all.  We had to come up with a cleaning schedule so that lots of us can do little things all day long to help keep the kitchen in ship shape.

Here’s our list:

1.  First thing in the morning, the kitchen crew needs to sanitize all countertops with Oasis.  (The spray kitchen sanitizer we’re currently using.)

2.  All utensils used for a specific job must be cleaned and sanitized between jobs.  (All chef’s knives are washed by hand.)

3.  All work space areas and cutting boards must be cleaned and sanitized between jobs.

4.  Cloths used for meat and meat clean up must be put into the dirty laundry and a new one taken.

5.  Garbages need to be emptied as needed (usually at the end of each meal), and at the end of each day.

6.  The dish pit needs to be mopped after each meal.


7.  The mup up crew mops the entire kitchen and bakery area at the end of the day.

As I typed out that list, I’m reminded again of how grateful I am for those that help each day to make the whole kitchen operation work smoothly.  In between teaching little darlins’ how to row and canoe and shoot bows and arrows, our staff comes in and does dishes and mops the floor.  They are just the BEST!

There is nothing quite like starting out the day by walking into a sparkling clean kitchen.  Thank  you…

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