
Camp Kitchen Updates

I laughed to myself as I worked on designing a new little blog banner the other night.

“Harbour Breeze Home”


This blog has most often been all about fixing up the place we call home.  But lately, I don’t spend much time in it, it seems.

Instead, this is my new “home” ~

camp kitchen

The camp kitchen.

It’s where I pour my heart and soul these days.

And lots and lots of thought and energy.

I have so many stories I’d love to have time to share.  But, for now I’ll just give you a simple little update of a few different random things.


During a rare lull in kitchen activity in December, a few more places got painted:

The bakery hallway,

bakery hallway after with words

and the “bowl and tray closet”.

closet after

Aren’t they so fresh and clean and pretty?? (The color is a bit wonky from the lights…)

I especially love the white shelves.

bakery hallway shelves

{Thanks Darryl and Josh for painting for me! And to Travis for making the ovens sparkle and shine again!}


After 4 1/2 months of piling things willy nilly in this space, I finally cleaned up the desk area.


I’m not sure yet if this desk will stay, as I have yet to actually sit at it and use it.  But, for now, it’s a nice place to hold all the administrative stuff that goes with the job.

I have some big plans in mind for the paperwork organization of this place, but more on that later.


Although there isn’t a ton of time for blog writing, I’ve been working on some writing for the kitchen.

recipe books

One book is the recipes we’re using. The other is a  “step by step” manual of this job, so that if I ever come down with the flu or decide to take a vacation, someone can read through and quickly figure out how to get the meals on the buffet line.

step by step book

I’m getting close to having it finished.

And, just in time, too…

Cause I’m taking a vacation!!

Well…it’s actually a “working vacation”.

But, to my aching feet~

it’s 10 days of vacation…;)

(Do you suppose I can pretend the freezing winter of Alberta & Saskatchewan is actually Maui??)

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  1. Thanks for all your hard work in the kitchen Rita! I know it can be grueling but it is so great to see the place clean and bright. I think your fabulous organizational skills will make it so much easier on anyone who is coming to cook at Camp Homewood in the future. Long over due and much appreciated

  2. You are truly amazing! I think we’re going to have some laughs working together and playing together. I feel so blessed……el

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