
Budget Friendly Basement Family Room Makeover

Do you have a dingy old basement space? Here’s how we did a budget friendly basement family room makeover that made this space less dreadful!!

Old Basement Family Room Makeover Ideas on a budget

Yesterday I gave you a  run down of the ā€œfeaturesā€ of our 1926 basement.  If youā€™ve forgotten what it looked like to start with, here it was:

basement family room before

Iā€™m sad  I have no other pictures to document what weā€™ve done since thenā€¦  So, Iā€™ll just jump right to the picture of what it looks like right now:

toward door

Budget Friendly Basement Family Room Makeover Ideas

1. Paint the cement floor (with paint specifically for cement).

2. Add throw rugs

3.Hang heavy curtains over single pane windows for insulating purposes.

4. Add window ledges and trim where there was once none.

5. Add drywall to cement walls and paint it.

6. Have an electrician fix all the sketchy wiring and drywall the ceilings.

7. Arrange furniture you already own so that your kids can use it as a space to play video games.

I fully realize it isnā€™t a heart-stopping, mouth-gaping ā€œrevealā€ photo.  There is still so much more to doā€¦  However, do you notice that beautiful drywall on the ceiling and walls?  My husband did that, bless his little heart.  He really hates that taping, mudding, and sanding partā€¦  But, I think it looks gorgeous.  {Thereā€™s only one more wall to finish.}

main door

The ā€œdecorā€ is sadly lacking down here.  I plopped that headboard behind the couch to store it.  Although not a hoarder, I just canā€™t seem to part with itā€¦but, perhaps this picture is enough to motivate me to find a better use for it!

My husband made a ā€œdealā€ with me before he started the whole drywall process down here.  He said that he would do it if I wouldnā€™t kick his workshop out of the basementā€¦


Notice how Iā€™ve strategically omitted including the ā€œworkshopā€ in these photos?

Iā€™m finding it a bit little tricky to incorporate a ā€œworkshopā€ into a family roomā€¦

But, a dealā€™s a dealā€¦Winking smile

So, by hook or by crook, weā€™re going to figure this out.

It may, perhaps, be the oddest floor plan of a basement everā€¦but at least it will function


for us!

For more posts on this quirky basement, check these out:

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  1. You both have did a wonderful job, I can’t wait to see it finished, I don’t blame you for not getting rid of the headboard, paint it white that’s what I always say or think.LOL

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