A Pep-Talk for Bloggers

Years ago, I had the privilege of attending a workshop led by Brian Minter, from Minter Gardens.  He not only gave amazing tips and advice about flower gardens, but wisdom and insight into the issue of marketing a business.

Of all the workshops I’ve ever attended in my life, his was one of the most interesting ever.  I think of things he said and mentioned over and over again.  He highly recommended a book on marketing called Purple Cow by Seth Godin.

purple cow

I’ve been wanting to read it since the day he mentioned it, but the hefty price tag got in the way.

My husband just ordered it used online, and I was thrilled when it arrived.

I eagerly opened up the small, hard-cover book and delved in.

Oh, dear.  After the exciting explanation of why the book is called “Purple Cow”, I wanted to fall asleep when pie charts and diagrams started showing up…

Thankfully, my husband has more determination when it comes to things like that, and he just finished the book.

{“You must finish it,” he told me, “It gets much, much better.”}

I will.  I promise.

But, while he was reading away, he stopped to show me a video he had just discovered.  It is the author of the book talking about blogging.  Here it is: (Warning:  There’s a swear word in it…)

I found Mr. Godin’s words very encouraging.  Granted, I don’t use my blog for “marketing” purposes, but it was really nice to hear how beneficial blogging is for our own “meta- cognition”.

…even if only our cat reads it!Winking smile

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