A New Chapter for a New Year

I stood in front of the window the other day and watched the snow fall. There’s just something mesmerizing and magical about it, isn’t there? The big flakes gently wafted down and landed on the cold, hard ground until everything was covered in pure whiteness.

snow ps

It reminded me of a new year ~ A time when one calendar is taken down and a fresh, clean one is hung on the wall.  No appointments are written in the blank boxes yet.  A clean slate. A fresh start.

Some new years feel like the turn of a page in a good book.

Other years feel like a much bigger juncture ~ like the start of a whole new chapter.

This year is a new chapter year for us.

In less than a month, we’ll be moving to a lovely rental home in a neighboring town.  I’ve been packing up boxes and treasuring memories.

We don’t have a clear picture of the all the steps ahead for us, but for now, this move is the first step in the fluffy white snow of this new year.

We’re excited (and sometimes a little scared…), and beyond grateful for the One who guides and leads us along and has promised He will never leave our sides.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is thy Faithfulness, O God. Great is thy Faithfulness.” ~ Lamentations 3:22-23


How is your new year starting out? Are you a resolution maker? Are you~ like me ~ wanting to put your new FitBit Zip to good use?  I actually love packing boxes and the organizational aspects of moving, so I’ll be checking in to give some updates on progress in that area.  So far, I’ve been tackling the kitchen. My mom always told me is was best to start with the worst job first!:)

Have a wonderful, fresh snowfall day!

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