Practicing Hospitality

I’d like to say that hospitality and opening up my home to others is an easy and natural thing for me. After all, my home is an open book for the whole world wide web to see, right?

Nope. Not at all.

You see, in the blogging world, I can pick and choose when & what people see.  I can carefully crop pictures and stash a big ol’ mess away ~ giving the illusion that all is merry and bright.:)


I’d like to say that I’d throw open the door wide to anyone who just wants to drop in, and eagerly welcome them at a moment’s notice. But, the truth is, I like to have a little advance warning.:) Contrary to what this blog portrays, my rooms aren’t always ready for a tour.

Most people totally understand the reality of living room furniture covered in laundry to be folded and a sink full of dirty dishes. However, there is an anxiety I feel if guests were to discover that in my home. Silly, I know. My comfort level prefers to plan, prepare, & tidy up ahead.


Hospitality is an area that I’m actively working on these days. We decided to host a weekly church group this Fall, which means that once a week, up to 13 guests will appear. I’ve found that as I prepare each week for this event, the whole process of hosting is becoming easier for me. I still like to have advance warning, but now I have a system that can be worked out quite quickly ~ which helps a ton in the confidence department.


I shared the step by steps of how I prepared for a holiday party over at Kennary  a few days ago. Although every hosting event doesn’t necessarily mean a meal around the table, I find the steps are basically the same.

Like everything in life, I’m finding that the more I practice hospitality, the easier it’s getting.

Now, how about you? Are you a relaxed hostess that invites a houseful of guests on a whim, or are you like me and like to prepare ahead? If you have some hostessing tips you like to share, I’d love to hear them!

Practicing Hospitality


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  1. Hello Rita,
    A well-written article. As a pastor’s wife, I have hosted life-groups and dinners in my home for years. I work full time as an elementary teacher and when our 3 children were at home – it wasn’t always easy. You are a bit “fancier” than me – I only provide coffee, tea and water (with lemon slices). I have found that most people prefer water as a beverage. Preparing in advance is the key (e.g frozen dessert, fruit tray, etc,) and once you begin hostessing and there is a rhythm and routine in the preparations.
    It’s nice to hear that you are hosting a small group, as many people do not want to commit to hosting. As much as it is “work” to prepare, isn’t it fun to have people over? I wonder whether our generation is getting away from simple hospitality?

    1. My first time on your web site/blog, I really enjoyed it, you inspire me to “use what I have” to decorate, I am looking forward to seeing how you “do It”. I am not very observant, so having a site with details and pictures is amazing. I would like to be better at hospitality and it’s nice to hear how others have succeeded. Thank you
      ps I also think you are a wonderful hostess.

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