Defining Decor Style

{This is Day 4 of a 31 Days series on “31 Ways to Make Home Uniquely You”.  To find a list of each day’s topics, click here.}


I was desperate.  For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out  what my decorating style was.  Was I traditional, classic, modern, country farmhouse, beach cottage, or shabby chic?

So many options…

And, again, I was struck with the terror of somehow getting it wrong or committing some terrible decor faux paux by inappropriately mixing two styles together.

Once I discovered a whole plethora of home decor blogs {some of my favorites are in my sidebar}, I unconsciously forgot all about the stress of determining what decor “style” I fit in.  Instead, I started to simply take note of things I loved.

bedside table vignette

I started to put together an “inspiration file” that has become a valuable part of my creative process.  It’s where I always begin before jumping head first into a project.

Here’s some places where I find my inspiration (and you can, too!):

1.  Books and magazines

Even though online resources are extremely helpful, there’s nothing quite the same as paging through books and dog-earing ideas.    As I page through them, I take note of which pictures, scenes, and vignettes cause my heart to do flip-flops.  You know, the feeling that says, “Ahhh…now THAT I love!”

Going through this exercise helped me to come to the conclusion that Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, and Country Living are resources that make my heart sing.  {That perhaps indicates my style falls  somewhere in the “casual” direction.}  You may find that you are more drawn to House and Home and Architectural Digest.  {Perhaps your style, then, is more sleek and modern.}  That’s great!

2.  Pinterest

This online resource has been a very useful tool of inspiration and organization for me.  When I see something on a blog or website that I love, I “PIN IT” to whichever board I choose.  Then when I want to work on a specific project, I can quickly go there and find all my inspiration pictures in one place.

pinterest page

3.  Your closet

I’ve read many times that your wardrobe is a good indication of your decor style.  Decorating a home is very similar to putting together an outfit. I admit, I find it much easier to choose home decor than clothing…


~ but many of you find it just the opposite.  I assure you, if you can confidently put a stylin’ outfit together every morning, you can also put together a stylin’ house!

Although I still think design style is a fascinating study, I no longer stress about a cut and dry definition of what mine is.  The truth is, I love to see when people have courage to mix things up a bit.

Stir up the traditional with a little shabby.

Throw a little modern into the country farmhouse.

If you love it in the end~

It’s the right thing for you!

And my style?  I love jeans and bare feet.  I’m a little traditional, beach cottage, country farmhouse, and shabby chic.  I’ve finally defined it…


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